Washington Association of Money Managers
Application for WAMM Membership
or Renewal
Join WAMM for the 2020-2021 Season!!!!


Individual Membership:              $60 (incredible value!)

Institutional Membership*:         $200 (10 employees attend for $35 rate)



*Institutional Membership confers full WAMM benefits to the firm’s designated employees.


Send application along with check payable to WAMM to:


Washington Association of Money Managers

3300 Military Road NW

Washington DC 20015 




Applicant Information


(For institutional membership, list the first employee below.  Use the following page for the other employees)



Applying for (check one):  _____ Individual Membership      _____ Institutional Membership


First name: _________________________   M.I.: ____  Last name: _________________________

Employer:_______________________________     Job function/title:_______________________


Phone, work: (____)  ___________    home: (_____)  ____________   cell: (_____)  ___________

E-mail address, primary: _______________________       secondary: _______________________






            Please staple your

            business card(s) here

            to help with accuracy